
Part of the reason I'm not trying to inflict much structure on this site is that I know that I'll let it stop me from doing anything.

Once there's a "correct" way of doing things, doing things correctly is suddenly a priority. And I know it's silly, there's nothing about this format that's inherently more perfectionism-preventing than a fucking Wordpress blog. You can just post things there, too.

But I think the thing that works for my brain is that there's literally nothing to do except write. There's no additional fields, except when I explicitly create them[1].

Sure, I can tinker around with plugins. But that's irrelevant for the Stacked Heap. The fact that I use Obsidian Tasks[2] to remember to pay my bills every month doesn't change that when I sit down to write one of these, I just create a note and start writing. Doesn't matter where, or if it's even linked to anything yet. Heck, I don't even need to worry about the title.

This entire project effort is entirely motivated by seeing somebody else do it first this way, and them talking about how much it helped them to get out of a harmful mindset with regards to creating.

And I think it's doing the same for me. I mean, I'm writing, for whatever it's worth!

  1. I've been manually adding created date properties to notes I link from Thoughts specifically. I'm not sure why. They're not even visible! ↩︎

  2. I should write about how I use it. I think I have a pretty simple but nifty setup. ↩︎